Wooden Valley Creek Invasive Non-Native Himalayan Blackberry Removal and Native Plant Revegetation Project
This project addresses a stretch of Wooden Valley Creek about 5300 linear feet in length. Under the plan, native trees and shrubs will be planted along denuded sections of the creek: willow cuttings will be placed along the base of the bank, and native trees such as California bay laurel, big-leaf maple, California buckeye, white alder, Oregon ash, coast live oak, blue oak, and valley oak will be planted in the upper floodplain.
The Riparian Habitat Enhancement Plan is designed to enhance the riparian zone on the property given current hydrologic conditions and land use. Water temperature and water quality have been monitored in areas upstream and downstream of the project site for over 5 years. The project site is a known thermal reach and contributes sediment due to bank erosion. Revegetation of this site will reduce water temperatures and sedimentation, increasing the quality of coldwater habitat for steelhead trout. Selected plants are intended to create a riparian corridor of ecologically appropriate native plants along the bank and floodplain to provide canopy cover and wildlife habitat for salmonids and other species. Invasive non-native species such as Himalayan blackberry were eradicated using physical and chemical control methods.
Fish Friendly Farming program staff are working with the Center for Social and Environmental Stewardship (formerly Circuit Rider Productions) and the landowner, a local rancher, to design and install an irrigation system and electric fencing that will allow the rancher use of the stream while also protecting the re-establishment of a riparian corridor.
Funding for this project is provided by the California State Water Resources Control Board, and the Department of Conservation.