Fire Response Clearinghouse

After the Glass and LNU Complex fires, Napa County landowners needed a clearinghouse of verified links, documents, news articles, and information to address critical land management needs. This page is a response to that need. Covered topics include reducing fire risk, fire plans, fire councils, evacuation preparedness, erosion control and other post-fire actions, smoke taint, and potential funding opportunities. 

Additional suggestions for the clearinghouse page can be sent to Brandyn Balch, brandynb [at]

Potential Funding Opportunities

  • Fire Recovery Funds:
    Our fire recovery funds are available for post-fire water quality improvement and habitat restoration projects. Project examples include repair of burned vineyard drainage pipes and road drainage culverts, repair of burned creek crossings, riparian revegetation, revegetation of oak woodland and conifer forest and repair of burned livestock exclusion fencing. 
    Contact: Leslie Scott, leslies [at]
  • Fire Prevention Grant Proposals:
    Currently we are collecting information from landowners and managers on projects they would like us to include in a regional fire risk reduction grant proposal, which we will submit in the later part of 2021.
    Contact: Laurel Marcus, laurelm [at] 
  • FEMA Assistance deadlines: 

Reducing Fire Risk

Fire Plans, Councils, Evacuation Preparedness

After the Fire

Vineyard Erosion Control 

The six goals of post-fire erosion control: 

  1. Protect soil in the vineyard from erosion. 
  2. Protect the vineyard from erosion on adjacent wildlands. 
  3. Improve the quality of the runoff coming from your property into waterways. 
  4. Maintain road drainage facilities. 
  5. Address burned trees and buildings. 
  6. Document your erosion control efforts. 

Full text:

Additional post-fire resources

Smoke Taint