Seghesio Family Vineyards
Sustainability's core definition states that in accomplishing our goals we do not compromise the natural resources future generations require to meet their own goals. While Seghesio first formally adopted sustainable farming in 2003, our grandparents instilled in us a deep respect for the land that has provided both homes and a way of life for four generations of our family. Sustainability encompasses every aspect of the company our farming practices, how responsibly we use the earth's resources and how we treat our fellow employees. In our continuing efforts toward a higher platform of sustainability, we work to minimize our impact on the land and ecosystems that allow our business to grow. We now farm both sustainably and organically utilizing the greenest inputs possible while striving to maintain the highest quality hand-farmed fruit. In the winery, new processes aimed at the conservation of resources, primarily energy and water usage, have been adopted. Sustainability is not static -- it is a living work. Sustainability is our commitment toward Sharing Uncommon Ground for generations to come.
Our dirt is very precious to us, we've learned a lot from this program, that has helped us keep it.
-Peter Seghesio